Sunday, February 17, 2019

Burke, Frank Jr.

Frank Burke Jr.
World War II
Killed In Action - 1942

1 comment:

  1. If anyone knows anything about Frank Burke, Jr. or his family, please contact FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH, HIGHLANDS, TEXAS - 713-426-4551 to leave information about Frank or his family. After Frank died, his family donated a large bell in his memory that hung in the Bell Tower of the Sanctuary that was built by the men of the church (church building that was destroyed by a fire in the '60s). The bell was salvaged after the fire and we would love to have a photograph of Frank and more information to put in the historical archives of the church.

    Thanks, Nancy Stewart


Ramsey, Charlie

 Charlie Ramsey Navy Served on  Ernest G. Small DDR-838 Honor Man.” He was honorably discharged as a Lieutenant Junior Grade.